Chanel - Pasarela
Chinese Photobook, The - From the 1900s to the Present
Cine - Toda la historia
Cine Transgresor
Cinéma et photographie futuristes
Coburn, Alvin Langdon
Cohen - Walking in the light
Cohen, John – Speed Bumps on a Dirt Road
Colin, Thiery - Beyond The Edge
Color Mania
Colour Mania (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Crear fotografías - Albert Watson
Cunningham, Merce - Merce Cunningham – Redux
D'Orgeval - Sur Face
D'Orgeval, Martin - Martin D'Orgeval: Touché par le feu
Dean, Tacita : Seven Books Grey
Democracy of Imaginary, A
Dine, Jim : Entrada Drive
Distance and Desire
Doisneau - Music
Doisneau - The Vogue Years
Drtikol, Frantisek
Dutch Photobook, The
Edgerton, Harold – Seeing the Unseen