Matisse - Metamorphoses
Hepworth, Barbara - Drawings of Barbara Hepworth
Grosse, Katharina - Katharina Grosse
Kusama, Yayoi - Yayoi Kusama: Retrospective
Fragonard the fantasy figures
Rubins, Nancy - Nancy Rubin - Work
Rosenquist, J. - James Rosenquist – Painting as Immersion
Duchamp, M. - Marcel Duchamp: 100 Questions. 100 Answers
Kirchner , E. L. : The Photographic Work
Birnbaum , Dara : The Dark Matter
Serra , R. : Vertical and Horizontal Reversals
Grandes mujeres artistas
Rodin / Giacometti
Rodin / Arp
Nolde, Emil - The Artist during the Third Reich
Cézanne, Paul - Metamorphoses
de Bruyckere, Berlinde
Schutz, Dana
Enli, Zang - Container
Odon: Sourcier, Sorcier, Magicien
Richter, Gerhard - Gerhard Richter Landscape
Rauschenberg – Art and Life
Le Nain, the Brothers
Carpeaux, Jean Baptiste - The Passions