Jawlensky, Aexei - Alexei Jawlensky
Bisky, N. - Norbert Bisky: Fernwärme
Paik, Nam June - The Late Style
Degas, Sickert and Toulouse-Lautrec
Schreuders , Claudette
Rembrandt and the Face of Jesus
Pousette-Dart , Richard : The New York School and Beyond
Ghiberti , L. : The Gates of Paradise
Prendergast , M. : Prendergast in Italy
Kelly , Ellsworth : Diagonal
Appel, Karel: Works on Paper
Rembrandt Universe
Picasso, Pablo - The Cubist Portraits of Fernande Oliver
Oehlen, Albert: New Paintings
Kandinsky From Blue Reiter to Bauhaus
Rembrandt and His Time
Rembrandt, Drawings by Rembrandt, His Students, and Circle
Appel, Karel - Karel Appel: A Gesture of Color
Whistler, James McNeill - Whistler n Watercolor
Ruby, Sterliing
Rubens - Early Rubens
Renoir, Monet, Gauguin - Images of a Floating World :
Picasso / El Greco
Hatoum, Mona - Terra Infirma