Klee, P. : Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 8
Klee, P: Catalogue Raisonné Vol. 5 1927-1930
von Humboldt, Alexander - Alexander von Humboldt The Complete Drawings
Munch , Edward : 1863-1944
Ensor, James - The Complete Paintings
Basquiat XXL
Freud, Lucian
Schiele, Egon
Rembrandt: Todos los dibujos y grabados
Martin, Agnes - Paintings, Writings, Remembrances
Titian: The Complete Paintings
Rauch, Neo: At the well
de Kooning, Willem - A Way of Living
Flaxman, John - John Flaxman: lllustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy
Baselitz, Georg - Georg Baselitz
Manet - James H. Rubin
Runge , P. O. : Kosmos Runge
Kounellis, Jannis - Opus I
Matisse – The Books
Neel, Alice Drawings and Watercolors
Rauch, Neo: Selected Works - Ausgewählte Werke 1993-2012
Picasso, P.: Women , Bullfights , Old Masters
Tuymans, Luc: Graphic Works