Gauguin and Impressionism
China at the Court of the Emperors
Hatoum, Mona - Tate Museum
Warhol, Andy - Cine, vídeo y tv
Power of Line, The
Rembrandt´s Changing Impressions
Arp , Hans : Chance - Form - Language
Occupying Space
Face to Face: Self- Portrait Cezanne to Bonnard
Printed - Images in Colonial Australia 1801-1901
Beuys , J : Actions, Vitrines, Environments
Weiwei , Ai : On the Table
Unfinished Painting, The
Romantics, Realists, Revolutionaries
Pittman, Lari - Lari Pittman
Ikemura, Leiko - Leiko Ikemura – Paintings
Beckmann - Weiblich-Männlich
Eliasson, Olafur - Olafur Eliasson: Contact
Beckmann, Max - Max Beckmann and Berlin
Leger: Modern Art and the Metropolis
Smith, Kiki - Kiki Smith: Hearing you with my eyes
Fuseli, Henry – Drama and Theatre
Fragonard - Drawing Triumphant
Arts of Ancient Viet Nam