Franklin, Stuart - Analogies
Friedlander, Lee
Friedlander, Lee – Dressing Up
Genius of Photography, The
German Photographic Society - Culture Awards 1959-2014 - Time profile
Grames, Eberhard - Broken spirits
Gudzowaty, Tomasz - Proof
Gusinde, Martin - El espíritu de los hombres de tierra del Fuego
Gutmann, John - John Gutmann
Heartfield, John - John Heartfield Photography Plus Dynamite
Hine, Lewis – When Innovation was King
Historia del cine
History Book on Moderna Museet 1958-2008
History of Film
Hoedt, Axel – Einmal im Jahr
Hoedt, Axel – Fast Nacht
Höfer, Candida - Düsseldorf
Höfer, Candida. - Candida Höfer – Opéra de Paris
Hopper, Dennis-Dennis Hopper - Colors
Hudson River
Hujar, Peter - A la velocidad de la vida
Impressed by Light
Into the Wild Photography