Meyerowitz, Joel: Aftermath
Made Realities
Rubinfien, Leo - Wounded Cities
Naude , Daniel : Animal Farm
Ballen, Roger - Roger the Rat
Ballen, Roger - Roger Ballen: Theatre of Apparitions
Orlopp, Detlef - Detlef Orlopp – Nur die Nähe auch die Ferne (Solo la proximidad, pero también la distancia)
Kuehn, Heinrich - Heinrich Kuehn and his American Cicle
Arbus, Diane - Diane Arbus
Levitt, Helen - Helen Levitt: Mexico City
Baldeck, Andrea - Himalaya
Shahn, B. - Ben Shahn's American Scene
Tillmans, Wolfgang - Wolfang Tillmans: Four Books
Araki 40th
Lindbergh, Peter - Peter Lindbergh On Fashion Photography
Wearing, Gillian - Gillian Wearing and Claude Cahun
Cohen - Walking in the light
Bolofo, Koto - I Spy With My Litte Eye
Maywald, Willy - Le pari(s) de la création
Colin, Thiery - Beyond The Edge
Atget - Postcards of a Lost Paris
D'Orgeval, Martin - Martin D'Orgeval: Touché par le feu
Lee Miller and Roland Penrose